Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's in your Library at the Moment

Ok so as most of you know I have well over 500 books in my home so I will not name off those, but right now I would like to share what I have in my Kindle at the moment:

1. No Second Chance by Author Harlan Coben

2. True Colors by Author Kristina Hannah

3. Irresistable Forces by Author Brenda Jackson

4. Shutter Island By Author(s) Dennis, Lehane

5. Mystic River By Author(s) Dennis, Lehane

6. Talk of the town by Author Lisa Wingate

7. Secret Societies by Author David McDill

8. Dead Famous by Author Carol O'Connell

9. Find Me by Author carol O'Connell

10. The Lovely Bones by Author Alice Seabold

11. Dear John by Author Nicholas Sparks

If anyone has read any of these books please feel free to post feed back as well as if you prefer one Author to another. Also, if anyone is out of books to read feel free to drop in and peruse my selection to get started on a great read.

Share what you have in your library and your opinions as much as possible.


  1. Hey Kris! I am excited about your new blog! I have read The Lovely Bones and Mystic River. Been too long ago for me to review them. I am looking forward to reading your posts!
    I am currently reading The Hour I first Believed by Wally Lamb :)

    I have a blog also :) It is just for school stuff at the moment- but I plan on adding a personal blog soon- (My kids both blog too!)

  2. I started Shutter Island but there was waaay too much foul language for me. I don't use it anymore and don't like to hear it either. :P

  3. Great to have you guys on here :) let me know if there is anything I am missing to make this a better blog. Katie, hmmm I will have to keep that in mind when I start Shutter Island and let you know what I think. Are you reading anything else at the moment?

    Cendy, How are you liking The Hour I first Believed?

  4. Blog looks great so far! I am enjoying it- just not able to find enough time to read. It is based on factual events from the Columbine shooting but with fictional characters- (The after effects of the survivors) Very interesting concept. I am about 500 pages in I think... I would love to finish it.. Hopefully this weekend on our way to Washington!

  5. Man, That sounds like a great book and I will deff. be putting it on my list of books to read.

  6. yay, books!

    i just started book three of the three sisters island trilogy by nora roberts.

    i read A LOT of love novels.

    next up i plan to read the lost symbol by dan brown. and i have small stack of two other nora roberts books i picked up at my used book store recently along with the pact by jodi picoult and message in a bottle by nicholas sparks.

    i read ALL THE TIME. mostly on my breaks and lunch at work, and sometimes during dinner. sometimes i can get thru a book a week :)

    also, i plan to re-read twilight again before eclipse comes out in june. love twilight :)

  7. Jesse, Those are all great books... I have tons of Nora Roberts and Dan Brown as well as Jodi Piccoult..... I will say right now the Pact is an awesome read!!! Cant wait to hear your thoughts on it! I have yet to read the three sisters island books yet..how are they?

  8. let me just say this ~ they are sooo good that i read the series at least once a year. i own MOST of her books and i'm lucky because my used book store has an entire section dedicated just to her :). my mom reads nora roberts too so we trade back and forth constantly every time i go home to visit.
